ForwardGames News: New iPhone game coming up!
Take him to your iPhone!
He was meant to be a different kind of toy... some cute puppy probably. But someone made a mistake while mixing the genetic code of its latest electronic puppies, and... oops, there you go - a human - or almost one.
He likes music and old movies, he says stupid things most of the times - well, everytime in fact - he's dumb but harmless, self-programmed to be one the most brainless things you've ever seen.
ForwardGames News: TapChess Tactics for Android released
"TapChess Tactics" released
ForwardGames releases "TapChess Tactics Vol.1" for Android devices.
TapChess Tactics is a sophisticated chess trainer with unique features. Vol.1 contains 110 original exercises taken from real matches.
Backtrack moves between variations, hint system and personal progress and performance tracking system.
TapChess is your definitive personal Chess trainer!